Today was our first rehearsal doing scene work! I was really apprehensive about how it would work over Zoom, but it ran pretty similarly to auditions. Actors not in the scene we were working on were sent to a breakout room that functioned kind of like the green room in Wonderbread. We turned our cameras on and off to signal entrances and exits, and everyone was proactive about keeping their mics off when not speaking. It was really difficult to make honest connections with my scene partners, but I'm pretty confident that will get easier with more practice working online.
We worked on the more vulnerable parts of the show today, which I honestly thought was a strange place to start, but I feel a lot better about the show overall having tackled those first. My monologue, which was the primary scene I did in both initial auditions and callbacks, has grown a lot from my first read. I feel like I'm starting to grasp how Agnes is feeling and how hard it is for her to open up and admit her guilt over neglecting her sister while she was alive. The show is also helping me not take for granted the people I have in my life because I'm experiencing those emotions on the regular now. I feel good about where I'm at in the process.